Recognizing a data deficiency in your supply chain

Recognizing a data deficiency in your supply chain

Simply put, a data deficiency can be a lack of data, poor data visibility, or even inaccurate data.. This can be caused by a number of factors, including:

  • Lack of data gathering (or lack thereof). You may have been collecting information on your supply chain since its inception, but if you don't have enough data to measure and analyze what's happening in your supply chain, then this will show up as a deficiency in your metrics.
  • Lack of analysis techniques or codes available for use during analysis. If there aren’t any tools available at all with which to analyze the collected information from various sources within the system (e-commerce sites), then this will also lead to an inability to determine how well your chain is performing overall—and whether there are any specific areas where improvements could be made through better processes or software upgrades

Why is it important?

You may be wondering why it's important to identify a data deficiency in your supply chain. The answer is simple: if you aren't aware of the information that's missing, then you won't know where to focus your efforts and resources on filling those gaps. This can lead to costly mistakes—and even missed opportunities.

For example, let's say a company has an order for 100 cases of product A but only has 25 cases on hand at any given time (or worse yet—no inventory at all). If they don't have enough product A in stock at any given time, then they'll likely have trouble fulfilling this order while still meeting their other commitments as well.

What are the symptoms of a data deficiency?

Data deficiency symptoms can be hard to spot, but they're not hard to diagnose.

You won't see obvious symptoms of a data deficiency in your supply chain. If you're like most companies, you'll have a lot of data assets—data that's generated by activities on or around your business and stored somewhere on the network (like in customer databases or call centers). But when it comes down to it, there's not one definitive place where all this information lives; instead, each individual department has its own way of storing this kind of information. This means that if you want help fixing your supply chain problem quickly and effectively, you need someone who understands how each department stores its data so that he or she can work out which parts are missing pieces from the puzzle so everyone knows what needs doing next!

Why should you care?

Data deficiency is a problem that can be fixed. The consequences of data deficiency can be serious, from business problems to legal issues and safety concerns. If you are not able to identify the data deficiencies in your supply chain, it is possible for them to get worse over time.

Understanding a data deficiency can guide your supply chain's future.

Data deficiency is a problem that can be solved. It may be a symptom of a larger problem, but it should not be ignored. Data deficiency can lead to other problems, such as waste in your supply chain and poor customer service experiences for your customers.

To solve this issue, use data analytics or data visualization tools to improve visibility into the operations of your supply chain so you can make informed decisions about how best to operate it moving forward.


In the end, data deficiency is a problem that affects everyone. It’s important to know what it looks like so you can make informed decisions when it comes time to address your supply chain issues. The best way to do this is by conducting an audit and evaluating its findings against your current needs. If nothing else, having a better understanding of where you stand will empower you with the knowledge needed for success in tomorrow’s world!

Data2Logistics has a dedicated “Professional Consulting Services” team that can help you identify opportunities across all modes.  We provide various services such as data metrics/analytics, market studies, carrier strategy/negotiation, etc.  For more information, please contact Dan Leva at [email protected] or 973-222-5882.