By leveraging top-of-the-line business intelligence technology, we maximize your future shipping efficiency by:
- Creating customized, ad-hoc and, standard reports for analysis
- Providing timely access to actionable information
- Reporting details of all accessorial and premium freight charges
- Highlighting opportunities for service type and mode shifts
- Identifying cost associated with dimensional charges and all other accessorial charges
- Utilizing best practices industry market analysis for comparative analysis
- Identifying and capitalizing on process improvement opportunities
Built on Microsoft's PowerBI analytics platform, Data2InformBI is a knowledge management tool that mines actionable information from your data. It identifies opportunities to ship smarter and save, make better decisions, and achieve positive results. It’s never been easier to gain a global logistics perspective of what is really driving costs within your company and use what you’ve learned to slash your costs.
Access to timely, actionable information empowers you to make shipping decisions that result in significant cost savings. Data2InformBI has the capability to:
- Create informative, decision-driving charts and graphs
- Accommodate multiple concurrent users
- Schedule ad-hoc reports to run on a predetermined frequency
- Filter reports on any data element
- Establish grouping levels
- Drill down on data elements
- Perform all mathematical functions
- Report in multiple languages
- Standardize currencies and other measures for global visualization
Reach out to our Freight Audit and Payment team
We would love to provide actionable insights for your invoicing and shipment data.